Clear Out to Help Out: Buckinghamshire Council rallies locals for donations

Are you having a spring clear out? Do you want to donate unwanted goods?


Residents are being urged to ‘Clear Out to Help Out’ this spring by donating good quality but unwanted items for resale at two South Bucks Hospice reuse shops.

The shops, run in partnership with Buckinghamshire Council and FCC Environment, are located at the Aston Clinton and High Wycombe household recycling centres (HRCs). Proceeds from the shops benefit South Bucks Hospice, which provides support for patients living with life limiting illnesses.

Residents can declutter and drop items off at any of Buckinghamshire nine HRCs open throughout lockdown. All they need to do is ensure to follow Covid safety measures once there, such as adhering to social distancing rules and wearing a mask unless exempt.

Dropping donations at Buckinghamshire’s HRCs is the perfect way to make some space in the cupboards while helping out a fantastic local cause. Items of interest include bikes, furniture and electricals and lawnmowers. These are then resold at Aston Clinton and High Wycombe, which are due to reopen 12 April along with other non-essential retail outlets.

Martin Dickman, Service Director of Neighbourhood Services at Buckinghamshire Council, said:

“We welcome Buckinghamshire residents donating unwanted goods at any of our nine household recycling centres. By donating and purchasing at our re-use shops, you are giving items a new lease of life as well as showing support to a hospice which helps so many people across the county.”

James Reseigh, Contract Manager at FCC Environment, added:

“With donations being accepted across the Buckinghamshire sites, it’s incredibly easy for residents to find a new home for unwanted goods that are taking up space in their homes. We look forward to reopening the two reuse shops and encourage locals to show their support, whether that’s through donations or purchases.”

Jackie Ward, Acting Chief Executive Officer at South Bucks Hospice, said: “This is a genuine win-win situation for everyone concerned. Residents can declutter their homes by making a valuable contribution to charity – while our patients and their loved ones benefit from the vital funds that these donations create for our services. We provide vital care to some of the most vulnerable members of society, and the majority of our money comes from fundraising and our retail shops. We are therefore very grateful to Buckinghamshire Council and FCC for working with us in partnership on this.”

Buckinghamshire Council has HRCs in Amersham, Aston Clinton, Beaconsfield, Buckingham, High Wycombe and Langley, open 9am-6pm seven days a week, and Aylesbury, Burnham and Chesham, open 9am-6pm five days a week, closed Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Both of the Aston Clinton and High Wycombe reuse shops stock a wide selection of items for those looking to bag a bargain whilst supporting a worthwhile local cause.

For more information, visit

Notice of Uncontested Elections.

Buckinghamshire Council (Wycombe Area)
Election of Parish Councillors for Radnage on Thursday 6 May 2021
I, Nick Graham being the Returning Officer at the above election, report that the persons whose names appear below were duly elected Parish Councillors for Radnage.
Name of Candidate                     

EDEN Tony                           
LOFTS Jeremy Charles        
UNGLESS Darren Kean       

Death of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

It is with great sadness that Buckinghamshire Council hears of the death of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. We send our deepest condolences to the Royal Family on behalf of the residents of Buckinghamshire.

The Chairman of the Council, Richard Scott, has written to The Royal Household to express our sympathies.

Flags will fly at half-mast at the Council offices in Amersham, Aylesbury, Denham and High Wycombe from today (9 April) until after the funeral has taken place.

Once the Royal Household has confirmed its arrangements we will be making books of condolence available and a two-minute silence observed. Details to follow.

Election – 6 May 2021 Key dates

22 Mar21 Notice of election
8 Apr21 Deadline for receipt of Nomination Papers
9 Apr21 Names of candidates standing for election published
19 Apr21 Deadline for registering to vote
20 Apr21 Deadline for Postal Vote application (inc postal proxy)
27 Apr21 Deadline for Proxy Vote application
27 Apr21 Notice of Poll
6 May21 Polling day (7am – 10pm)
7 May21 Principal election count (from 10am)
7 – 8 May21 Town and parish council counts


Buckinghamshire Council
Election of Parish Councillors
Parishes                                        Election of councillors to Radnage Parish Council                                                                
Number of Parish Councillors to be elected            7
1. An election is to be held for Buckinghamshire Council unitary wards.
2. Nomination papers can be obtained from the Returning Officer as follows:
Electoral Commission website at:
Electoral Services, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, HP11 1BB
3. Nomination papers must be hand delivered to the Returning Officer or his appointed
staff at
Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, HP11 1BB
between 10am and 4pm on any working day (excluding Good Friday 2 April 2021 and Easter Monday 5 April 2021) from and including Monday 22 March 2021 but no later than 4pm on Thursday 8 April
2021. Please go to the Main Reception where you will be directed to the Returning
Officer and their appointed staff.
4. If the election is contested the poll will take place on Thursday 6 May 2021.
5. Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 12
midnight on Monday 19 April 2021. Applications can be made online:
6. Applications, amendments or cancellations of postal votes must reach the Electoral
Registration Officer by 5pm on Tuesday 20 April 2021.
7. Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration
Officer by 5pm on Tuesday 27 April 2021.
8.Applications to vote by emergency proxy at this election on the grounds of disability or
for work/service reasons must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on
Thursday 6 May 2021.
The disability must have occurred after
5pm on Tuesday 27 April 2021.
To apply on the grounds of work/service, the person must have become aware
that they cannot go to the polling station in person after
5pm on Tuesday 27 April 2021
Further information on these elections including standing for election and voting can be found at;

Stokenchurch Community Transport Support for Covid-19 Vaccinations at Wycombe Town Hall

Stokenchurch Community Transport
Support for Covid-19 Vaccinations at Wycombe Town Hall
*** Please do not call Stokenchurch Medical Centre. Wait for them to contact you about vaccination appointments ***
We are able to offer the use of our vehicle, with wheelchair access, for support of those with limited mobility, including wheelchair-bound, who will otherwise find it extremely difficult to get to the vaccination centre. Depending on demand, we may be able to extend the service to others in our community. We are limited to 5 passengers.
• The service is only available for those who have an appointment for vaccination, issued by Stokenchurch Medical Centre.
• The service is only available to residents in the parishes of Stokenchurch and Radnage
• You may be asked to sit in a wheelchair in order for our Escort to provide assistance. A carer can come with you, if necessary.
• A mask must be worn throughout the journey (unless confirmed exempt).
• You must not travel if you have Covid symptoms, or are required to isolate. We will check your temperature. We will ask you to use hand sanitiser.
• Rigorous protocols are in place to protect our volunteers and passengers, and these must be followed throughout.
There is no charge for the service, but donations will be gratefully received.
For further information, please call 07549 838 773