St Mary the Virgin

Services around the benefice for July

7 July
Trinity 6
10.00am Eucharist St Mary’s, Radnage Revd Anne
14 July Trinity 7 10.30am Eucharist with Baptism St Paul’s, West Wycombe Revd Ivor
21 July Trinity 8 10.00am Eucharist St Paul’s, Bledlow Ridge Revd Philip Smith
28 July Trinity 9 11.00am Eucharist with Baptism St Botolph’s, Bradenham Revd Andi Chapman

Notice: During the vacancy of a rector please direct enquiries to the parish administrator on 07927 775442

Church Wardens: Rosy Oliphant and Jennifer Stringer

St Mary’s is open for private prayer – please read more below…

The Church of St Mary the Virgin, Radnage, is open for private prayer daily during daylight hours. 

Each Sunday there will be a service in one of the churches in the benefice. Please read Contact or visit to see where the services are being held.

If you have a wedding or baptism planned our clergy will contact you.

St Mary’s church is a living building. Built by the Knights Templar in the late twelfth or early thirteenth century, it has been prayed in for over a thousand years and has an atmosphere that reflects this. It is decorated with wall paintings which span six centuries, some of which were only rediscovered in the 1960s. They provide spiritual inspiration and comfort for worshippers and visitors. Just over 15 years ago, a kitchen, vestry and toilet were added, helping to make the church more welcoming and usable for community activities. The church is open during daylight hours.

The building consist of a nave, central tower and chancel, all arranged in a East – West line. There is a small porch in the southern corner and a vestry in the north, all standing in a small churchyard.

The church tower is original and about 10 feet square and of a style which has elements of the late Norman and early English periods.

The nave is entered from the fifteenth century porch and probably dates from the thirteenth century and is thus probably a later addition to the original building. It is decorated with wall paintings which span six centuries, some of which were only rediscovered in the 1960s.

The church has become a regular filming location for the BBC’s Crandford series and has also been a location for other major films.

St Mary's Church

We have recently had a wonderful film made of St Mary’s by a local resident, Luke Phillips. You can see it on Youtube or by clicking here.

The Church of St Mary the Virgin and the Parish of Radnage are part of the West Wycombe Benefice that includes the church of St Botolph, in the Parish of Bradenham, the church of St Paul, in the Parish of Bledlow Ridge, and the two churches of St Lawrence and St Paul in West Wycombe. There are also regular services held in the village hall in Piddington.
The benefice is in the Deanery of High Wycombe and is part of the Oxford Diocese.

St Mary’s has a Family-Friendly Church award and visitors are warmly welcomed to worship at our Sunday service.

Service times are published in Contact, the parish magazine, and on A Church Near You website – .

For information about our services, please read Contact or visit


Promoting a Safer Church

For more information about Safeguarding, please see this page.

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Caroline Strange. Contact: 07916 168847 

For those interested in the work of the church the minutes of the PCC meetings are displayed inside the church porch.

St Mary’s has a Facebook page!


Check it out by searching St Mary’s Church Radnage or @stmaryschurchradnage
All the latest information about what’s happening at our church.